It is the main area of responsibility in your day job. 这也是在你日常工作中最主要的部分。
Typically, a plug-in focuses on a specific area of responsibility and delegates the rest to others by means of one or more extension points. 通常,插件专注于特定区域的责任,并通过一个或多个扩展点的方式将其他责任指派给其他插件。
Brought the big area proliferation of the apathetic mindset directly to the elusion of responsibility. 对责任的逃避,直接带来了冷漠心态的大面积扩散。
You'll feel perplexed about something being negotiated with regard to your work or an area of responsibility you take very seriously indeed. 你对正在谈判的事感到很困惑,它们与你的工作或你很认真地承担责任的领域有关。
Project success is the Product Owner's second area of responsibility. 保证项目成功是产品负责人的第二个职责。
Thus, a department may be viewed as an area of responsibility for a given manager, and sometimes is called a responsibility center. 于是,一个部门可以被视为某一个经理的责任范围,被称为责任中心。
When needed, obtains resources from outside primary area of responsibility. 如有必要,在职能主要范围区域外获取足够的资源。
An area of control or responsibility. 能够控制或负责任的地区。
It is unacceptable for an official to tell a coach or player that he did not call an illegal contact or violation, which he clearly saw, because it happened outside his primary area of responsibility. 对一位裁判来说,去告诉教练或球员他未对某些非法接触或违例(清楚看到的)宣判,是因为它发生在他的主要责任区之外,是令人无法接受的。
The matter is outside my area of responsibility. 此事超出我的责任范围。
If we can extend our operation, they'll each have an area of sole responsibility to keep them out of trouble. 如果我们能够扩展业务,他们每一个人都会独当一面。
These three cities have a single administrative and political body whose geographical area of responsibility broadly matches the geography or city economy. 上述三个城市拥有单一行政及政治体系,管辖地理范围与经济地理范围大致相同。
Although a single student may be serving as editor and content gatherer, all students in the groups are required to author sections of the proposal related to their chief area of responsibility. 虽然某人可能担任编辑与内容取得者,但小组中的所有学生需要制作计划书中有关他们主要负责的各段落。
In fact, from the ethics research area, this sense of responsibility focus on performing people's moral sense of responsibility. 实际上,从伦理学研讨视角望,这种义务意识集中表示为人们的道德义务感。
This is my area of responsibility, so hands off. 这是我的责任范围,所以不许干涉。
Second, senior managers should be required to make an annual personal, signed statement describing how this code has been implemented in their area of responsibility. 第二,应该要求每位高管签署年度报告,描述各自负责领域的准则执行情况。
Whoever it is a factory director, engineer, technician, accountant or cashier he should have his own area not only of responsibility but of authority, which must not be infringed upon by others. 当厂长的、当工程师的、当技术员的、当会计出纳的,各有各的责任,也各有各的权力,别人不能侵犯。
As the minister's assistant, Peng Pai was working within the area of responsibility assigned to him. 彭湃作为部长的助手,是在其分管的职责范围内进行工作。
All that is normally required in some area of responsibility. 所要求的在责任的范围内都是正常的。
The author in the thesis suggests defining the multinational pollution for damage, introducing strict responsibility, establishing the feature, area, subject, form of national responsibility. 应科学界定跨界污染损害概念,导入严格责任,确立国家责任的特点、适用范围、主体和形式。
Even if it is not in your area of responsibility, it may help you gain new skills in other areas. 即使培训内容不在你的职责范围之内,这种培训也有助于你获得其他领域的技能。
On Responsibility System of Administrative Enforcement of Law in Ethnic Area ── An Analysis of Responsibility System of Administrative Enforcement of Law in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture 民族地区行政执法责任制的现状、问题及对策&恩施土家族苗族自治州行政执法责任制实证分析
And in the area of responsibility system, there is a change from one-sided emphasis on citizens 'responsibility to strengthening of government responsibility. 在责任制度上,从过去的片面强调公民责任转向现代的强化政府责任。
Only by reflecting the progressiveness, strengthening the regularity and emphasizing the practical results of the Party member, could the activity of area of responsibility of Party member be more attractive and vitality. 党员责任区活动只有体现党员的先进性,增强规范性、突出实效性,才更具有吸引力、生命力。
The patrol-visit system is a kind of new system for police substation, which carries out the area of job responsibility, examines the police, according to the patrol and visit. 巡访制是实行责任区分片包干,考核到民警个人,以巡逻和走访为依托,有效开展工作的派出所运行新机制。
The hospital has invested some manpower, material and financial resources in the area of social responsibility. 医院在社会责任方面也投入了一定的人力、物力、财力。
This section includes the division of the search and rescue area of responsibility, to determine the in charge of cooperation and coordinating authority and national search and rescue assistance system. 该部分包括划分搜救责任区域、确定合作的主管和协调机关以及各国间的搜救援助制度等方面。
In the area of social security, the issue of what responsibility the government should take and how to do it is worth exploring. 在社会保障领域,政府应当承担什么责任、如何承担这些责任的,仍是值得探讨的问题。